Tuesday, November 24, 2009

The Audacity Factor

The Audacity Factor
The Bible teaches that pride goes before a fall. In Jim Collins’ latest book, How the Mighty Fall , he extracts the steps which led to the fall of some very high profile companies which he had given high marks in Good to Great and Built to Last. How could companies like Circuit City and Ames Department Stores fail. The first step is audacity. They believed it could never happen to them. Could it be that we as a denomination, state conventions, associations, churches and even individual Christ Followers have fallen victim to this dreaded disease? Collins says the fall can be stopped if we just acknowledge the sin and address it properly. Sounds like repentance to me. Wow! What a thought!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Living Organisms Reproduce

Living Organisms Reproduce!
All living organisms are created to reproduce when they are healthy. Many years ago, my father tried a new hybrid cotton seed. It was so exciting to see the very large, green plants in the field. However, as the time of harvest drew closer, we discovered the cotton was all leaf and very little fruit (cotton). As a Christ Follower, we are often guilty of the very same experience. We are all leaf and no fruit. If we are to reproduce or multiply, what does that look like? The fruit of the Spirit found in Galatians 5:22-23 are some of the fruit that should be in each Christ Followers’ life. There are four things that should be produced by each and every church:
1. Every church should reproduce disciples. Matthew 28:18-20Surely none of us can deny the commands of our Lord to make disciples.
2. Every church should reproduce leaders. II Timothy 2:2It has been said that everything rises and falls on leadership. Our Lord does not call the qualified, but He qualifies the called.
3. Every church should reproduce small groups. Acts 2:46If your church has not started a new small group during the past year, it has decided to plateau. If your church has not started a new small group in the past three years, it has decided to die.
4. Every church should reproduce congregations. I Corinthians 3:6, Matthew 16:18A good portion of the New Testament is made of letters to the churches started during the early multiplication of the Gospel throughout the first century.

What we count, counts. What matrix are you using to measure the fruitfulness of your church? Unfortunately, if you ask the wrong questions, you will get the wrong answers one hundred percent of the time. Perhaps we should be asking the reproduction question? Just a thought.