Tuesday, November 24, 2009

The Audacity Factor

The Audacity Factor
The Bible teaches that pride goes before a fall. In Jim Collins’ latest book, How the Mighty Fall , he extracts the steps which led to the fall of some very high profile companies which he had given high marks in Good to Great and Built to Last. How could companies like Circuit City and Ames Department Stores fail. The first step is audacity. They believed it could never happen to them. Could it be that we as a denomination, state conventions, associations, churches and even individual Christ Followers have fallen victim to this dreaded disease? Collins says the fall can be stopped if we just acknowledge the sin and address it properly. Sounds like repentance to me. Wow! What a thought!

1 comment:

  1. In light of this concept, called the Audacity Factor, everyone of us should just quickly open our eyes, close our mouths and walk humbly before our God. An old wise man, once wrote this warning which reminds me that If I think I'm standing firm, I need to be careful that I don't fall.
