Tuesday, January 5, 2010

I Wish You An Unhappy New Year

I Wish You An Unhappy New Year!
In Psalms 17:15, David is praying, “…I shall be satisfied when I arise with your likeness”. If I may amplify these words, he is saying that he will be satisfied when he has fully become conformed to the image of Christ. Surely David was at peace with God. After all, he was a man after God’s own heart. As a person, he was 100% right with God. However, his performance lacked compliance with that condition of grace. I wish for you an absolutely miserable 2010 with all that is in your life which keeps you from being an exact image of your Savior, Jesus Christ! This unhappiness will lead you to have the greatest year of your life.
Dissatisfaction or discontentment breeds progress, when dealt with properly. A preacher has two jobs. He is to comfort the disturbed and to disturb the comfortable. I am glad someone got discontented with candles and lanterns. Therefore, we now have electric lights. I am glad that Orville and Wilbur Wright’s one hundred and twenty feet in twelve seconds did not satisfy the hunger for flight. Now, we can get on a plane and travel the world. Unless an oyster is disturbed by a grain of sand, there are no pearls. Imagine a world without butterflies. Suppose the caterpillar became so contented within the cocoon until he refused to come out. There would be no butterfly.
Have an unhappy new year which will lead to your happiest year yet!

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