Monday, January 31, 2011

Pedal to the Metal!

It is no secret that there are lots of changes going on all around us. The kingdom organization with which I am affiliated is no exception. John 5:17 also reminds us that God is always at work around us. God works in the midst of change!
Elijah found himself in the midst of a rather chaotic situation when he had just witnessed the defeat of the prophets of Bael and then his life was threatened and he hid under a juniper tree. The Lord took him to the mountain and he experienced the wind, an earthquake, and fire; but God did not speak to him through these catastrophic events. However, in the midst of the storm, God did speak to him through His still, small voice. (I Kings 19:11f) God spoke in the midst of the storm. He can and will speak, in the midst of your storm, if you are listening!
The Datona 500 is coming up in a few weeks. When a NASCAR driver is faced with the unpleasant reality of a multi-car collision in front of him, he is taught to listen to his spotter and drive through the smoke. This requires a great deal of trust or faith in the spotter being correct in his instructions. If he does not direct correctly, the driver may T-bone another car in the midst of the crash making the bad situation worse. But if he can trust the direction of the spotter, he can drive through the collision site to take the lead and remain safe in the process.
We cannot always see through the smoke during the storms of our lives. However, we can trust the spotter, the Holy Spirit, to speak to us through the storm and to guide us through to victory in His security. If you find yourself in the midst of one of life's challenging storms, trust and listen to the spotter and keep the pedal to the metal!

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